Thailand’s culture is rich in tradition. And the clothes worn by many Thai people help to show the wearer’s status in society. Today, it is easy to find shops selling traditional Thai clothing that can be worn for special occasions. Or throughout the year. Including in-season clothes. Thailand clothing and the traditions that surround it are deeply ingrained in Thai culture. One such tradition is the “jub niyaphon” (จับเห็บ น้ำแข็ง) or holy dip. The “jub niyaphon” is a ritual performed by Buddhist monks, in which the monk dips his fingers in holy water and then touches the forehead and body of an initiated monk or an outsider to receive blessings. The “Buddha Jayanthi” is a celebration that takes place on this day, celebrating the birth of Buddha, the 1st of Tirthankara (prophet) of Buddhism. Thai New Year is celebrated on January 13th, the birthday of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama).
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